Funding Schemes

Weller Designs Ltd has all the experience required to advise on the use of soil importation to raise revenue to contribute to the funding of new sports and leisure facilities.

This approach has come about in response to a decision by the Government and Environment Agency to prevent the wasteful and unsustainable disposal at landfill sites of reusable subsoil and topsoil generated by excavations from buildings, roads and landscape works. The Environment Agency created a permitting regime whereby soils and subsoils could be used on ‘engineered schemes’ without being subject to landfill tax. Projects that require soils for construction purposes are ideal facilities for the use of this regime.

Soil can be taken out of construction sites and used in sports- and leisure-based schemes, offsetting or covering the costs by commanding a royalty for allowing soil hauliers to deposit their soil at an approved site.

This royalty varies from project to project and each scheme has its own planning and Environment Agency requirements.

Grants and match funding

Public bodies like Sport England, London Marathon Charitable Trust, Entrust, The Football Association, British Cycling and local councils are keen to fund or match-fund local sports and leisure projects that meet certain criteria.

Grant applications require specialist skills and Weller Designs has successfully accessed funding for over 130 projects that might otherwise not have been viable or that have been more ambitious than originally imagined.

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